
Atsevišķos gadījumos depresiju iespējams ārstēt, izmantojot tikai psihoterapijas metodes. Tomēr lielākoties depresijas gadījumā visefektīvāk ir apmeklēt psihiatru un lietot atbilstošus medikamentus, lai pilnībā izveseļotos.

Mūsdienu medikamenti ir efektīvi un iedarbojas jau pēc relatīvi īsa laika, to lietošanai ir samērā mazas un tikai īslaicīgas blakus parādības, turklāt tie nerada pieradumu un nav toksiski.

Atcerieties, lietojot antidepresantus, ir svarīgi regulāri, parasti reizi mēnesī, konsultēties ar savu ārstu, lai novērtētu medikamentu iedarbības efektivitāti un laikus pamanītu iespējamās blakusparādības.

Par antidepresantiem

Ja Jūs ciešat no depresijas, Jūsu smadzenēs būs izjaukts smalkais ķīmisko vielu, informācijas nesēju jeb neirotransmiteru līmenis. Ārstējot depresiju ar antidepresantiem, šo vielu līdzsvars un daudzums smadzenēs tiek atjaunots, nodrošinot Jums iepriekšējo normālo stāvokli.

Uzsākot medikamentozo terapiju, ir svarīgi pareizi lietot medikamentus – tieši tādās devās un regularitātē, kā Jums noteicis ārsts. Pretējā gadījumā tas būs mazefektīvs ārstēšanās veids, kā arī Jūsu veselība var tikt apdraudēta.

Ir vairāki antidepresantu veidi:

  • tricikliskie antidepresanti (TCA) – klasiskie antidepresanti, kurus lieto kopš gadiem;
  • selektīvie serotonīna atpakaļsaistes inhibitori (SSAI);
  • serotonīna un noradrenalīna atpakaļsaistes inhibitori (SNAI) vai duālas darbības antidepresanti;
  • melatonerģiskas darbības antidepresants;
  • monoamīna oksidāzes inhibitori (MAOI) – vieni no pirmajiem antidepresantiem, Latvijā vēl netiek lietoti.

Mūsdienās visplašāk lietotais antidepresantu veids ir SSAI un SNAI, kas ir efektīvi vieglas un vidēji smagas depresijas ārstēšanai.

Depresijas ārstēšanai var būt trīs dažādi posmi:

  • akūta ārstēšana – tiek uzsākta uzreiz pēc depresijas simptomu novērošanas un var ilgt divus līdz trīs mēnešus;
  • uzturošā ārstēšana – nepārtraukta antidepresanta lietošana vismaz sešus mēnešus pēc Jūsu depresijas simptomu izzušanas;
  • ilgstoša ārstēšana – tiek izmantota smagu un atkārtotu depresijas epizožu gadījumā, var ilgt pat visu mūžu, tomēr tas var pilnībā novērst turpmākas depresijas epizodes un ļaut dzīvot normālu un pilnvērtīgu dzīvi.
Rebuild Website or Perform SEO

Chris Genge is wholesale jerseys china the President of 1st on the List Promotion Inc, a website promotion firm that specializes in search engine optimization and pay per click management. Chris writes on current and emerging search engine marketing theories and cheap jerseys outlet has been involved in the SEO industry since 1997. He and his team focus on researching and implementing the most effective search engine optimization techniques.

Chris Genge

A lot of website owners are interested in rebuilding their website and in performing search engine optimization (SEO), but can Budget constraints won allow for both and so they struggle with which one to do first. Rebuilding a website is a great idea. Performing SEO is better. It is comprised of, at last count, over 8 billion web pages and that number increases daily. People need a map to chart this unimaginably large landscapes and search engines are the maps. SEO provides pointers to your business on the maps; rebuilding your website does not.

If you understand the following statement, then the decision is very easy to make in order to become visible to their second audience (the visitors), websites must first receive adequate top rankings (the first two pages of listing results) by their first audience (the search engines). is probably the single most important marketing technique that a website owner can do to increase visibility and visitors. Greater visibility and highly targeted visitors improve sales, which in turn, improves the bottom line.

Between 85 and 90% of people use search engines to find websites they never visited before.

The Financial Times reported August 2002, that every day over 340 million web users rely on search engines to locate new businesses (DISC).

57% of Internet users search the web each day, making search the second most popular Internet activity next to checking email (81%) (DISC).

Studies have also proven that SEO has the best return on investment (ROI) of any form of advertising in terms of cost per acquisition (CPA). Savvy website owners who realize just how fierce competition on the Internet is use SEO to position their business ahead of their competitors. If you are not incorporating SEO as part of a website marketing/promotion strategy you are losing out, because your competition mostly likely is!

If done properly, the results from SEO are very impressive. One of our long time clients in the printing industry has been operating the same site for almost five years. Instead of rebuilding their website which has a very simple design, they decided to perform SEO. That same site now delivers so much business that SEO is the only form of sales and marketing they use (both online and offline). Another client now does as much business in one day as it used to in seven. And this

client originally wanted to rebuild their site first. And to this day, the site is still the same except for some minor regular updates. In the past, the client did a lot of print advertising, but because of great SEO results, they have cut their advertising costs in half and achieved sales growth of 700%! For more great examples, read the case studies on the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) website.

Rebuilding a website

Rebuilding a site makes it look nice, provides fresh content, and sometimes improves navigation. Will wholesale jerseys any of these lead to increased visitors? Most likely not. Making aesthetic changes does very little to increase a website visibility on the Internet. It is estimated that 56% of ALL websites are “lost in cyberspace”! What is the point of spending money on rebuilding a site if no one ever sees it? It would be a complete waste of time, money, and effort all of which translate into a very poor ROI.

Your website is competing with over 8 billion (at last count) other pages on the Internet. It will be “lost” by not having it visible to the search engines akin to putting up a flashing billboard on a deserted island! It can be the greatest billboard ever cheap jerseys china designed, but because of its isolated location very few people will see or read it, and thus, it will be a poor source of revenue generation.

The fact is, there are lots of great websites on the Internet. So what? What the use of having a great website if no one knows about it or can find it? And even if people do know about it, you are still not reaching the largest Internet demographic: the 85 to 90% of ALL Internet users who find what they are looking for by conducting searches on search engines!

The top 4 search engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN, and AOL (CyberAtlas, May 2003). How do they compare in terms of traffic? The info below shows the top 5 results of the Top 50 Internet Property Rankings for October 2003 (ComScore Media Metrix, Nov. 2003). Keep in mind that the table shows total number of unique visitors, not total number of searches. So while MSN isArticles Connexes: